Friday, July 9, 2010

Homemade Laundry Soap

Ok, so I just finished making my first batch of homemade laundry soap. I'd heard about it first on 19 Kids and Counting, and thought it was a cool idea. Then a friend on Facebook posted that his wife made her own laundry soap and they were kind enough to post their recipe and instructions. So, I thought why not give it a try? Since we do cloth diapers, we obviously do a bit more laundry than other 3people families and from the cost savings I heard about I knew I had to try it. So this morning I did it and I have to say it wasn't very hard. It took maybe about 30min to make. So, now I have to wait 24hours to set up then I can use it. When I do, I'll be sure to post how I liked it and such.
I don't remember exactly how much everything cost to get but here's a general breakdown:
I usually buy All laundry soap and my last bottle was 115.5fl oz at around $9 @ Target
I picked up the Borax @ Target for I think $3
I picked up the Washing Soda @ Homeland for around $2
I already had a bar of Ivory soap, but if I had to buy it I think I could have bought a 6pk for around $2
Already the price is cheaper, plus the batch I made should last around 6mo (not sure yet but we'll see), and I still have plenty of ingredients to make several more batches. So I'll be saving a ton!

Here's the recipe:
Liquid Laundry Soap:

1 Bar Fels-Naptha soap or Ivory (Homeland on the laundry soap aisle - by the Spray N Wash)
1 ½ cups borax (Target or Homeland)
1 ½ cups washing soda (Homeland on the laundry soap aisle)
5 gallon bucket
Large pot

Grate or cut Soap into small pieces, add to large pot, add 12 cups of water, boil until dissolved.
Add Borax & washing soda, stir until dissolved
Add 8 cups of hot water into 5 gallon bucket
Add soap mixture Stir
Add 2 gallons and 12 cups water to mixture
Let sit 24 hours, stir well and divide into containers.

Note: The consistency will be like jelly or pudding when it sets up.
Note 2: I use the same amount per load as store bought detergent."

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear how this soap works for you. It's something I have considered many times, but never done...


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